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Why older people love Facebook and what this means for your business

A couple of years ago I taught a Facebook training session for a SeniorNet class here in Hawke's Bay.  For the most part the participants got something out of the class, for others it was all a bit too much with concerns around cybersafety and data sharing.  For the most part we managed to sort the majority of these out, increase comfort levels, and learn new skills.  As with learning anything new there can be a hump, but once this is got over the world of Facebook can become an older person's oyster.

Just like younger counterparts in their 20's, the older generation enjoys keeping in touch with loved ones, creating relationships and bonding with friends on Facebook, according to Media Effects Research Laboratory at Penn State, in a recent survey of 350 American adults between the ages of 60 and 86.  This article is a summary of the survey results shares why older people love Facebook.   (Check out some of the bloopers at the end.)So what does this mean for your business?Older people (60+) are online, they use Facebook and other social media tools, AND they are consumers, it is important not to overlook this.

Some tips for your marketing strategy:

When targeting your online advertising, if your product suits, spend money on this demographic.

Consider other platforms that seniors are visiting for advertisement placement - some SeniorNet type organisations may sell advertising space on their websites.

Make sure your website is senior friendly - have a larger font size, simple navigation, and even senior specific landing pages.

Keep seniors engaged - create a story that sparks interest in your brand and encourages followers as you share it.

Remember face to face, phone calls, and even emails as a follow up with clients is important, no matter their age, as the personal touch is always remembered.

Have you got a story to share about how social media or online advertising has been effective for your business? We'd love to hear.


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